Sunday, October 16, 2005

Former Naval Physicist: Government Can Control Hurricanes

Livingston discussed in detail proven evidence of hurricane control and his research and experiences with cloud seeding and weather weapons used in the Vietnam war.

Many scoff at the possibility of weather control and simply refuse to believe it exists. Attempting to even engage such people in conversation on the subject is fruitless because their mind is set. Yet the reality is that weather modification has been in operation and continual development since the 1960s.

Livingston, now 77, has a master's degree in cloud physics from the Naval Weapons Center and Navy Post Graduate School in California, a degree he later used in the battlefields.

According to a recent report "He seeded clouds and dramatically increased rainfall in his theater of war, creating impassably muddy roads, slowing down the Vietnamese and Korean troops, and saving lives and entire towns from occupation."

Livingston was even invited to the White House where he briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control activities. Livingston asserts that hurricane control was a national priority of the government in the 60s and they had the ability to do it at that time. That was 40 years ago.