Monday, October 10, 2005

Like Democracy, Only More Convenient

I wish I could say this surprises me, but I predicted back when he was caught that the U.S. wouldn't allow him to testify. He was our boy for a long time, and my guess is, he has a lot of dirt BushCo would rather died with him:

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Saddam Hussein could be executed before the Iraqi Special Tribunal finishes charging him with all his alleged crimes, a source close to the tribunal said Sunday.
For members of some groups allegedly abused by Saddam, the possibility that he'd not face their allegations drew mixed feelings.

His first trial, along with seven co-defendants, is set to begin Oct. 19. It will weigh charges that they massacred 143 people in Dujail, a predominantly Shiite town north of Baghdad, in 1982 after a failed assassination attempt. If convicted, Saddam could be sentenced to death.