Sunday, October 09, 2005

More reasons to vote “NO”

The best analysis on why Bush keen that Iraqis must accept this joke constitution, called "Iraq Constitution Lays Ground for Oilfield Sell-Off".

Parallel to the Constitution, a Petroleum Law has been drafted, to be implemented following the elections of December/January. According to sources in the government, although some details are still being debated, it specifies that Iraq’s currently producing fields should be developed by the state-owned Iraq National Oil Company (INOC), but all other fields should be developed by private companies.

Few days and the Iraqi constitutional referendum will be started, the government announces a new measures including curfew, weapons ban, border closings and other security measures.

Interior Minister Bayan Jabr said:
"We will protect those who say yes and those who say no,’"

Part of these "other measures" is:

Iraqi police to protect "vote Yes" posters and banners.

There are also reports that American forces are photographing workers who are putting up “No campaign” posters and billboards in Iraqi districts and tearing them down (Al-Saydya).