Monday, October 17, 2005

Raids are NOT the answer!

Our immigration system is in desperate need of repair. America deserves an immigration system that provides safe and legal channels for immigrants to contribute to the well being of our economy.

Without legal alternatives, our broken immigration system forces workers into dangerous and deadly passages to America. Everyday migrants die at America's doorsteps. Remains from 460 people were found along the U.S./Mexico border this year alone; over 3,600 people have died in the past decade trying to live their American dream.

Anti-immigrant groups have long sought to make life impossible for immigrants. Their thinking is that if they make life difficult for immigrants by denying services and such, then immigrants will leave the U.S. on their own. They have also called for mass deportations of 11 million immigrants

Congress is now bolstering their agenda. This past week, Senate Leader Bill Frist (Republican from Tennessee) called on Congress "to tackle border security and interior immigration enforcement before turning to the broader question of immigration reforms." In other words, Senator Frist wants Congress to authorize raids on immigrant communities before fixing the broken immigration system.