Monday, October 17, 2005

WHIG: Not Even a Radar Blip

A Google News Search using the term "White House Iraq Group" returns ten results. An article mentioning the "WHIG" was supposedly published in the New York Times, but when I follow a link I get a come-on to subscribe to something called TimeSelect (a pay service). "The White House set up, without announcement, a group to market a war in Iraq in August 2002, seven months before the March 2003 invasion, according to an article published by the New York Times on Sunday," reports Xinhua News Agency (it's indicative when you have to rely on China to break news). "Very little has been written about the White House Iraq Group, or WHIG, and only one newspaper article or two have mentioned it in passing reporting that it had been set up by Andrew Card, the White House chief of staff, said the article in the newspaper’s opinion page."

Of course, we knew all along the White House attempted to sell the Iraq invasion and occupation. Recall Card's lame statement on September 6, 2002: "From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce new products in August" and the "mushroom cloud" ruse, the latter apparently the brainchild of Card and Bush’s gnome, Karl Rove. Apparently the WHIG was responsible for Cheney’s scary Saddam stories, Condi's smoking nuke gun campfire story, and Bush's "I don’t know what more evidence you need" statement about Saddam's illusory nuclear capability--every last word a lie. In other words, the WHIG, now making news because Karl Rove is apparently in deep over his outing of Valerie Plame, is news for the moment. It will go the way of the dodo bird and the Office of Special Plans.

Let's face it. Americans really don’t care about WHIG and they don’t care their president lied to them and launched an illegal and immoral invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation that did not pose a threat to them. If Nixon had not resigned, he would have been impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors. Clinton was impeached and censured for lying about his adolescent dalliance. Bush invades two countries based on lies and supposition and he is re-elected to a second term. Obviously, we are now at a point where the government is completely non-responsive to the people--and the people are so brainwashed and distracted as to not fill the streets and demand the government resign and Bush face criminal prosecution for war crimes.