Friday, January 20, 2006

US - UK Living Heroes .. or How could I forget Craig Murray?

Definite thanks to Democracy Now for their interview with Craig Murray, who has been hit by a smear campaign by the UK government he once represented in Uzbekistan.

Why a smear campaign? Because he dared to admit his country's complicity in human rights abuses in Uzbekistan.

Strangely, the United Nations did not send a Mehlis team to investigate.

Murray has been literally defiled by his own government and former allies in the Home Office for exposing the UK and US governments.

This is the kind of grilling anyone who dares defy the status quo of media collusion with government hypocrisy gets.

I am creating a new sidebar - Living Heroes.

While I hardly believe Murtha is a living hero, I do empathize as he receives his won smear campaign ribbon for defying the Bushites on Iraq.

Same with Kerry.

Another living hero(ine) who has actually been jailed for her principled opposition is Kathy Kelly, leading member of Voices in the Wilderness - a group which took food and medicines to Iraq.

And Scott Ritter, who I met after a lecture he gave in Vancouver, British Columbia in 2002. Yes, a stone's throw from Seattle.

Ritter was eloquent in his opposition to the US invasion of Iraq. He called himself a patriot and said he feared growing anti-US sentiment in the world. He also said the invasion of Iraq could start a cycle which could eventually result in a mushroom cloud over some US city, a specter he wanted to desperately avoid.

Thank you, Mr. Murray, for being an inspiration to people around the world.

And people seem to be inspired.

Check out this link. Seems the University of Texas in Austin will be hosting a conference by historians against the Iraq war.