Friday, October 28, 2005
Libby-Cheney-Rove: What is to be done? (Important Read)
The Harriet Miers nomination went down yesterday with all the aerodynamic properties of a set of car keys. "Oh, nobody knows the trouble they seen." Administration fingerprints on ten-pads. Tsk tsk. What does this all mean? Combined with the White Sox winning the series and this hurricane season, this MAY very well indicate the fulfillment of Revelations.
Many on the left - and by this I mean something more discriminating than a "left" inclusive of Hillary Clinton and Al Franken - are not sure what to make of the whole Plame-gate affair. We seem to be WRITING on it, but mostly for the purpose of showing simultaneously that (1) we knew the war was based on lies when the press was still giving the Bush regime the presumption of goodwill, that (2) normally we would consider outing CIA agents to be a very positive thing (this preserves our self-images as REAL leftists), that (3) the cover-up is not the real issue but the war-lie is, and (4) the Democrats - true to form - are hiding in the hedges hoping the administration will collapse without them having to suffer any dilemmas between restive massess and their capitalist funding streams.
I don't know when exactly the tendency emerged to "stay out of the fray," as it were, but I suspect the reasons for this tendency trace back to periods of extreme marginalization when the left experienced periods of incapacity and all they could do to "keep hope alive," to coin a phrase, was issue positions and critiques and wait for the next social upsurge. But the habits established during these peirods of relative quiescence become institutionally imprinted and are carried into more turbulent times by a kind of inertia.