Thursday, September 08, 2005

New Orleans and Fallujah have a lot in common

I think that New Orleans and Fallujah have a lot in common. They are both cities that have been raped by the American neo-con establishment with the help of our national guards and American military. Fallujah was bombed mercilessly, even though there were no known "terrorists" there; there were people who lived there who fought back against the illegal American attack on their city. But even the U.S. commanders admitted publicly that even if Al Zarqawi was there--he would have been gone before the American rape and pillaging of that city.

In New Orleans, people who want to stay and live off of canned food and bottled water are being forcefully evacuated to who knows where and with what possible future! Why is this being done, other than it having parallels to the Japanese during WWII as well, forcefully taking people from their homes in order to take over a city and a people's property and belongings. Our citizens have the right to stay where they are, just as they do in other situations, it's their right and their responsbility--and not the right of the national police force, the national guard or the New Orleans police to roust them out and pack them out of town. How would you like it if it was done to you.