Trump purges State Dept. of Soros and Israel ally By Wayne Madsen ReportIn what appears to be a total housecleaning of top-level diplomats at the U.S. State Department, President Trump fired longtime friend of Israel, Thomas Countryman, as the acting Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs, an office known simply as the "T" office. In fact, according to a tweet sent out on January 26 by Bathsheba (Sheba) Crocker, the former Assistant Secretary for International Organizations, Countryman was told to leave office on January 27 while he was en route to Rome for a non-proliferation meeting. Although the name of the meeting was not identified, there is a conference scheduled on Combating Terrorism, sponsored by the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) Model United Nations at the American University of John Cabot in Rome from January 25-29, 2017. The conference appears to have links to NGOs in Sarajevo, Mostar, Belgrade, Munich, and Bucharest that are financed by George Soros.

Crocker is the daughter of longtime State Department diplomat and the former Assistant Secretary of State Chester Crocker, a close associate and acolyte of Henry Kissinger.
Crocker was also chief of staff to Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg under Hillary Clinton. Steinberg also ensured that Countryman was placed within key State Department elements relating to protection of Israel's nuclear weapons stockpile and furthering the operations of Soros. Countryman has served as special adviser to U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright, liaison to the Clinton National Security Council's pro-Israeli special Middle East envoy Dennis Ross -- described by many Palestinians as "more pro-Israeli than the Israelis," Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European Affairs responsible for the Balkans, and lastly, Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation. Countryman has been serving as the acting head of the "T" office.
Countryman speaks Arabic and Serbo-Croatian, which made him a key player in fronting for Israeli interests in the Arab world and furthering Soros's and the Central Intelligence Agency's destabilization operations in the Balkans.
WMR's sources in the Middle East know Countryman as the primary diplomat at State who bristled at the suggestion that Israel possesses nuclear weapons and always sought to change the subject. WMR learned from U.S. intelligence sources that Countryman was an important link in the covert supply of weapons grade plutonium from the United States for the modernization of Israel's aging nuclear weapons arsenal. Being in charge of nuclear nonproliferation at State was a perfect cover for Israel's nuclear supply operations.
Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria (aka "Toria") Nuland also resigned her position, although there were some reports that the Trump transition team asked her to remain. Nuland was one of the masterminds of the Euromaidan revolution in Ukraine that plunged that nation into a civil war. Nuland is married to the arch-neocon Robert Kagan, a fellow traveler of Countryman and Sheba Crocker at the Brookings Institution.
The purge at State is noteworthy. Although Trump has vowed to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, expressed support for Israeli right-wing prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and is being advised on Middle East matters by his pro-Likud son-in-law Jared Kushner, someone in the Trump White House is paradoxically purging the State Department of several long-serving pro-Israeli career diplomats. State was long the domain of a number of Arabic-speaking diplomats, known as "Arabists," who made no secret of their slant toward the Arab countries and their antipathy toward Israel. Secretary of State-designate Rex Tillerson, who has close ties to a number of Arab governments owing to his position as CEO of Exxon Mobil, may be trying to steer Foggy Bottom back to a more neutral position on Middle Eastern affairs.

Crocker is the daughter of longtime State Department diplomat and the former Assistant Secretary of State Chester Crocker, a close associate and acolyte of Henry Kissinger.
Crocker was also chief of staff to Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg under Hillary Clinton. Steinberg also ensured that Countryman was placed within key State Department elements relating to protection of Israel's nuclear weapons stockpile and furthering the operations of Soros. Countryman has served as special adviser to U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine Albright, liaison to the Clinton National Security Council's pro-Israeli special Middle East envoy Dennis Ross -- described by many Palestinians as "more pro-Israeli than the Israelis," Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European Affairs responsible for the Balkans, and lastly, Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation. Countryman has been serving as the acting head of the "T" office.
Countryman speaks Arabic and Serbo-Croatian, which made him a key player in fronting for Israeli interests in the Arab world and furthering Soros's and the Central Intelligence Agency's destabilization operations in the Balkans.
WMR's sources in the Middle East know Countryman as the primary diplomat at State who bristled at the suggestion that Israel possesses nuclear weapons and always sought to change the subject. WMR learned from U.S. intelligence sources that Countryman was an important link in the covert supply of weapons grade plutonium from the United States for the modernization of Israel's aging nuclear weapons arsenal. Being in charge of nuclear nonproliferation at State was a perfect cover for Israel's nuclear supply operations.
Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria (aka "Toria") Nuland also resigned her position, although there were some reports that the Trump transition team asked her to remain. Nuland was one of the masterminds of the Euromaidan revolution in Ukraine that plunged that nation into a civil war. Nuland is married to the arch-neocon Robert Kagan, a fellow traveler of Countryman and Sheba Crocker at the Brookings Institution.
The purge at State is noteworthy. Although Trump has vowed to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, expressed support for Israeli right-wing prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and is being advised on Middle East matters by his pro-Likud son-in-law Jared Kushner, someone in the Trump White House is paradoxically purging the State Department of several long-serving pro-Israeli career diplomats. State was long the domain of a number of Arabic-speaking diplomats, known as "Arabists," who made no secret of their slant toward the Arab countries and their antipathy toward Israel. Secretary of State-designate Rex Tillerson, who has close ties to a number of Arab governments owing to his position as CEO of Exxon Mobil, may be trying to steer Foggy Bottom back to a more neutral position on Middle Eastern affairs.