As much as the White House wants the story of President Bush's tryst with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Laura Bush's disgust with the relationship to go away, The Globe tabloid is running the story for the second week in a row (and WMR's initial story on the affair is once again cited). The Globe's neuro-linguistic (body language) expert analyzes Bush's and Rice's cavorting incidents. The White House has also altered its story on Mrs. Bush's Secret Service detail being seen at the Mayflower Hotel for at least one night (when Mrs. Bush reportedly stormed out of the White House after a confrontation with Mr. Bush over the affair). The White House at first denied the First Lady was even at the Mayflower. A White House source now concedes that the First Lady arranged to transport an old college female friend back to the Mayflower from the White House and that the First Lady remained at the hotel until 11:00 PM. The White House continues to deny that the First Lady remained at the hotel for at least one entire evening. Sorry Karl, this story has legs and isn't going away any time soon.