After the 2004 election, even though he took only 51 percent of the popular vote, George W. Bush declared that he had earned plenty of "political capital, and now I intend to spend it."
It now appears he’s written just a few too many checks on that account. That boast now seems as hollow as his “mission accomplished” bragging in regard to Iraq.
With polls universally showing that the majority of Americans now feel Bush is untruthful, Republican candidates for the 2006 elections are avoiding the president like the plague.
In a November AP poll, almost six in 10 said Bush is not honest, as well as answering that his administration does not have high ethical standards.
A recent poll conducted by Elon University in strongly pro-military North Carolina showed that 56 percent of active military personnel, reservists and veterans disapproved of his war leadership. When questioned if the war with Iraq was "worth fighting" in the first place, only 19 percent of them said yes.