Electing more vermin for a rotten carcass
As Americans go to the polls today to elect, or re-elect, members of Congress, governors, and other officials, WMR is relating some anecdotal information from a top Republican aide to Ronald Reagan. In late 1972, according to the Reagan friend who had known the actor-turned-California governor since his run for the state house in 1966, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller requested that Governor Reagan meet with his representatives in Los Angeles.
Reagan, no fan of Rockefeller or his family who he considered "too liberal" and who represented the "eastern establishment," demanded that Rockefeller's people meet with him at his Simi Valley ranch home. Reagan was increasingly wary of Rockefeller after David Rockefeller announced at the April 1972 Bilderberg Conference in Belgium the planned formation the following year of the Trilateral Commission, which would include Japan in an elitist political-financial group representing North America and Western Europe. WMR learned from another informed source that Reagan learned of the evils of the Trilateral Commission from then-Democratic Party renegade and political activist Lyndon LaRouche while both were attending a political seminar in California. Reagan told LaRouche that he had been an avid consumer of information in LaRouche's newsletters, whereupon the quasi-Marxist economics professor arranged with Reagan to have future copies sent directly to Reagan's ranch home.
Richard Nixon had just been re-elected in a landslide in 1972 and Rockefeller was planning on claiming his political "legacy" by running for the White House in 1976. Rockefeller was aware that Reagan had inherited the support of the conservative supporters of Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater who was roundly trounced by President Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 presidential election. Reagan was also preparing to run for the presidency in 1976 after his gubernatorial term expired in 1974.
Our source, a senior executive for the Walt Disney Company, as well as Trans America Corporation president John R. Beckett, attended the meeting between Reagan and Rockefeller's people. The Rockefeller team was confident that Nixon's 1972 campaign, called the Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP), could be transformed into a permanent fundraising and political team that would eventually ensure that the Republican Party would become the only meaningful political party in the United States and herald America becoming a one-party state.
Reagan was told that CREEP's new incarnation would be used to elect Nelson Rockefeller as president in 1976, thus providing the nation with the prize of the presidency long sought by the Rockefeller family. Reagan would have to agree not to run for the GOP nomination in 1976, paving the way for Rockefeller to easily wrest the nomination and serve as president for 8 years. Reagan would then receive Rockefeller and his team's support for a run for the presidency in 1984.
However, by 1973, it was clear that CREEP was very much a part of the Watergate scandal. Eventually, all the top CREEP officials, including its director, former Attorney General John Mitchell; Treasurer Maurice Stans, the former Commerce Secretary; deputy director Jeb Stuart Magruder; Deputy Treasurer Herbert Kalmbach; and Watergate burglars James McCord, G. Gordon Liddy, and E. Howard Hunt, as well as dirty tricks operative Donald Segretti and White House special counsel Charles Colson, all ended up in prison for their respective criminal roles in the Watergate operation.
Reagan had been warned by his aides that the meeting was nothing more than a Rockefeller "ambush." Rockefeller had no intention of allowing Reagan to succeed him. One of Reagan's aides tipped off the news media that a meeting was taking place with Rockefeller's people at his ranch. After the Rockefeller team departed, Reagan told reporters, "I will not be a kingmaker." Reagan was telling Rockefeller publicly that there would never be a deal and that the Republican Party could expect a Reagan candidacy for the White House in 1976.
Reagan saw Rockefeller; Gerald Ford, who would succeed Nixon as president and name Rockefeller as his vice president; and the man who would be forced on to Reagan's 1980 ticket, George H. W. Bush, as embodiments of the "eastern establishment," which Reagan detested. Even Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, who Reagan lauded in his famous speech at the 1964 GOP convention in San Francisco, did not escape Reagan's distaste for moneyed oligarchs. Reagan told our source that although he appreciated Goldwater's supporters and Goldwater's policies, Reagan felt that the GOP's so-called "Mr. Conservative" was influenced primarily by money, which dictated the policies of "all Jews like Goldwater." When it was pointed out to Reagan that Goldwater, whose father's Jewish family owned Goldwater's department store in Phoenix, was an Episcopalian, Reagan replied that it didn't matter because when Jews like Goldwater "gather in synagogues on Saturdays, all they discuss is business and money." As president, Reagan never visited Israel, a distinction he shared with Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and George H. W. Bush.
Reagan's distaste for Jews arose during his anti-communist activism during the Senator Joseph McCarthy Red-baiting era in Hollywood. Reagan also served as an informant for FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Hollywood's anti-communist stars were members of the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals (MPAPAI), which identified a number of alleged communists in Hollywood and sent their names to the FBI. Since a number of the identified communists also happened to be Jewish, the zeal of MPAPAI earned it the appellation of "anti-Semitic" by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and other Jewish organizations. One of MPAPAI's most active members was Reagan. Others included John Wayne, Walt Disney, Cecille B. DeMille, Gary Cooper, Ginger Rogers, Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck, Irene Dunne, Adolphe Menjou (who was about as right wing as the late führer with the same first name), George Murphy (a future U.S. senator from California), columnist Hedda Hopper, Ward Bond, King Vidor, and Victor Fleming. The group also included Ayn Rand and Morrie Ryskind, both of whom were Jewish.
Many of these Hollywood notables were members of MPAPAI in order to placate Hoover, who had extensive dossiers on many of the actors that included details of homosexual liaisons. According to Hollywood biographer Darwin Porter, Nixon once told Reagan during the red scare era: "Isn't it ironic that Hoover and McCarthy are chasing after Reds and faggots . . . and both of them, the senator and director, have sucked more cocks than your secret girlfriend, this Marilyn Monroe thing." Nixon was also letting the increasingly politically-active Reagan know that he and Hoover had interesting dossiers on the Democrat-turned-Republican actor.
After Nixon was consumed by Watergate in 1973, Rockefeller's team arranged to have House Minority Leader Ford installed as vice president to replace Spiro Agnew, who resigned in October of that year amid a bribery scandal. After Nixon resigned the presidency in 1974, Ford, in a deal worked out in the eleventh hour of the Nixon administration, agreed to nominate Rockefeller to be his vice president. The deal also included a full pardon for Nixon and keeping Henry Kissinger, a longtime Rockefeller operative, as Secretary of State.
Reagan, knowing full well that the Ford-Rockefeller seizure of the White House was a prelude to Rockefeller's one-party state plan, decided to challenge Ford for the GOP nomination in 1976. Realizing that both he and Ford were unelected, Rockefeller decided not to seek the vice presidential nomination in 1976. Ford chose Kansas Senator Bob Dole to be his running mate. Dole had received Rockefeller's blessing. In the primaries, Ford barely eked out victories over Reagan in Iowa and New Hampshire but eventually Ford amassed enough delegates to win the nomination. In the general election, the peanut farmer governor of Georgia, Jimmy Carter, defeated Ford for the presidency.

Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, responding to a group of pro-Reagan hecklers at a 1976 campaign event in Binghamton, New York. Vice presidential nominee Bob Dole laughs.
On January 26, 1979, Rockefeller, age 70, died of a heart attack at a Manhattan townhouse while reportedly engaged in sexual intercourse with his 25-year old aide, Megan Marshack. When medical personnel arrived at the home they discovered Rockefeller had been propped up on a chair with his shoes on the wrong feet, holding The Wall Street Journal upside down, along with a clearly visible penis rod protruding from under his trousers. No autopsy was performed on Rockefeller to determine the actual cause of death.
When our source met with Reagan after Rockefeller's death was announced, he asked the prospective Republican presidential candidate what he thought. Reagan replied, "many leaders have been known for their final words on their death beds." Then, Reagan, clutching his chest and wheezing and groaning profusely, laughed and said, "that's what Rockefeller's last words were while he was screwing a god-damned hooker!"
A number of Americans practically worship GOP icons like Rockefeller, Goldwater, Ford, and Reagan. The unblemished history, however, suggests that the current lot of political candidates are merely the heirs of unsavory political forebears.
As Americans go to the polls today to elect, or re-elect, members of Congress, governors, and other officials, WMR is relating some anecdotal information from a top Republican aide to Ronald Reagan. In late 1972, according to the Reagan friend who had known the actor-turned-California governor since his run for the state house in 1966, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller requested that Governor Reagan meet with his representatives in Los Angeles.
Reagan, no fan of Rockefeller or his family who he considered "too liberal" and who represented the "eastern establishment," demanded that Rockefeller's people meet with him at his Simi Valley ranch home. Reagan was increasingly wary of Rockefeller after David Rockefeller announced at the April 1972 Bilderberg Conference in Belgium the planned formation the following year of the Trilateral Commission, which would include Japan in an elitist political-financial group representing North America and Western Europe. WMR learned from another informed source that Reagan learned of the evils of the Trilateral Commission from then-Democratic Party renegade and political activist Lyndon LaRouche while both were attending a political seminar in California. Reagan told LaRouche that he had been an avid consumer of information in LaRouche's newsletters, whereupon the quasi-Marxist economics professor arranged with Reagan to have future copies sent directly to Reagan's ranch home.
Richard Nixon had just been re-elected in a landslide in 1972 and Rockefeller was planning on claiming his political "legacy" by running for the White House in 1976. Rockefeller was aware that Reagan had inherited the support of the conservative supporters of Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater who was roundly trounced by President Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 presidential election. Reagan was also preparing to run for the presidency in 1976 after his gubernatorial term expired in 1974.
Our source, a senior executive for the Walt Disney Company, as well as Trans America Corporation president John R. Beckett, attended the meeting between Reagan and Rockefeller's people. The Rockefeller team was confident that Nixon's 1972 campaign, called the Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP), could be transformed into a permanent fundraising and political team that would eventually ensure that the Republican Party would become the only meaningful political party in the United States and herald America becoming a one-party state.
Reagan was told that CREEP's new incarnation would be used to elect Nelson Rockefeller as president in 1976, thus providing the nation with the prize of the presidency long sought by the Rockefeller family. Reagan would have to agree not to run for the GOP nomination in 1976, paving the way for Rockefeller to easily wrest the nomination and serve as president for 8 years. Reagan would then receive Rockefeller and his team's support for a run for the presidency in 1984.
However, by 1973, it was clear that CREEP was very much a part of the Watergate scandal. Eventually, all the top CREEP officials, including its director, former Attorney General John Mitchell; Treasurer Maurice Stans, the former Commerce Secretary; deputy director Jeb Stuart Magruder; Deputy Treasurer Herbert Kalmbach; and Watergate burglars James McCord, G. Gordon Liddy, and E. Howard Hunt, as well as dirty tricks operative Donald Segretti and White House special counsel Charles Colson, all ended up in prison for their respective criminal roles in the Watergate operation.
Reagan had been warned by his aides that the meeting was nothing more than a Rockefeller "ambush." Rockefeller had no intention of allowing Reagan to succeed him. One of Reagan's aides tipped off the news media that a meeting was taking place with Rockefeller's people at his ranch. After the Rockefeller team departed, Reagan told reporters, "I will not be a kingmaker." Reagan was telling Rockefeller publicly that there would never be a deal and that the Republican Party could expect a Reagan candidacy for the White House in 1976.
Reagan saw Rockefeller; Gerald Ford, who would succeed Nixon as president and name Rockefeller as his vice president; and the man who would be forced on to Reagan's 1980 ticket, George H. W. Bush, as embodiments of the "eastern establishment," which Reagan detested. Even Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, who Reagan lauded in his famous speech at the 1964 GOP convention in San Francisco, did not escape Reagan's distaste for moneyed oligarchs. Reagan told our source that although he appreciated Goldwater's supporters and Goldwater's policies, Reagan felt that the GOP's so-called "Mr. Conservative" was influenced primarily by money, which dictated the policies of "all Jews like Goldwater." When it was pointed out to Reagan that Goldwater, whose father's Jewish family owned Goldwater's department store in Phoenix, was an Episcopalian, Reagan replied that it didn't matter because when Jews like Goldwater "gather in synagogues on Saturdays, all they discuss is business and money." As president, Reagan never visited Israel, a distinction he shared with Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and George H. W. Bush.
Reagan's distaste for Jews arose during his anti-communist activism during the Senator Joseph McCarthy Red-baiting era in Hollywood. Reagan also served as an informant for FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Hollywood's anti-communist stars were members of the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals (MPAPAI), which identified a number of alleged communists in Hollywood and sent their names to the FBI. Since a number of the identified communists also happened to be Jewish, the zeal of MPAPAI earned it the appellation of "anti-Semitic" by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and other Jewish organizations. One of MPAPAI's most active members was Reagan. Others included John Wayne, Walt Disney, Cecille B. DeMille, Gary Cooper, Ginger Rogers, Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck, Irene Dunne, Adolphe Menjou (who was about as right wing as the late führer with the same first name), George Murphy (a future U.S. senator from California), columnist Hedda Hopper, Ward Bond, King Vidor, and Victor Fleming. The group also included Ayn Rand and Morrie Ryskind, both of whom were Jewish.
Many of these Hollywood notables were members of MPAPAI in order to placate Hoover, who had extensive dossiers on many of the actors that included details of homosexual liaisons. According to Hollywood biographer Darwin Porter, Nixon once told Reagan during the red scare era: "Isn't it ironic that Hoover and McCarthy are chasing after Reds and faggots . . . and both of them, the senator and director, have sucked more cocks than your secret girlfriend, this Marilyn Monroe thing." Nixon was also letting the increasingly politically-active Reagan know that he and Hoover had interesting dossiers on the Democrat-turned-Republican actor.
After Nixon was consumed by Watergate in 1973, Rockefeller's team arranged to have House Minority Leader Ford installed as vice president to replace Spiro Agnew, who resigned in October of that year amid a bribery scandal. After Nixon resigned the presidency in 1974, Ford, in a deal worked out in the eleventh hour of the Nixon administration, agreed to nominate Rockefeller to be his vice president. The deal also included a full pardon for Nixon and keeping Henry Kissinger, a longtime Rockefeller operative, as Secretary of State.
Reagan, knowing full well that the Ford-Rockefeller seizure of the White House was a prelude to Rockefeller's one-party state plan, decided to challenge Ford for the GOP nomination in 1976. Realizing that both he and Ford were unelected, Rockefeller decided not to seek the vice presidential nomination in 1976. Ford chose Kansas Senator Bob Dole to be his running mate. Dole had received Rockefeller's blessing. In the primaries, Ford barely eked out victories over Reagan in Iowa and New Hampshire but eventually Ford amassed enough delegates to win the nomination. In the general election, the peanut farmer governor of Georgia, Jimmy Carter, defeated Ford for the presidency.

Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, responding to a group of pro-Reagan hecklers at a 1976 campaign event in Binghamton, New York. Vice presidential nominee Bob Dole laughs.
On January 26, 1979, Rockefeller, age 70, died of a heart attack at a Manhattan townhouse while reportedly engaged in sexual intercourse with his 25-year old aide, Megan Marshack. When medical personnel arrived at the home they discovered Rockefeller had been propped up on a chair with his shoes on the wrong feet, holding The Wall Street Journal upside down, along with a clearly visible penis rod protruding from under his trousers. No autopsy was performed on Rockefeller to determine the actual cause of death.
When our source met with Reagan after Rockefeller's death was announced, he asked the prospective Republican presidential candidate what he thought. Reagan replied, "many leaders have been known for their final words on their death beds." Then, Reagan, clutching his chest and wheezing and groaning profusely, laughed and said, "that's what Rockefeller's last words were while he was screwing a god-damned hooker!"
A number of Americans practically worship GOP icons like Rockefeller, Goldwater, Ford, and Reagan. The unblemished history, however, suggests that the current lot of political candidates are merely the heirs of unsavory political forebears.