Tuesday, September 27, 2005

American foreign policy - mass murder in Iraq


Someone asked me if I hate US soldiers. Which got me to thinking, maybe it's time I lay it on the line.

See, am in the fortunate position to have grown up in the US and in Iraq. I have seen the best and the worst the US had to offer. I have seen the best and worst Iraq had to offer.

Growing up in different parts of the world (for reasons which shall remain undeclared here) and then returning to Iraq always gave me the sense I was a product of "pax americana".

I think the whole world is in "pax americana". But that isn't as good a thing as one may believe. Pax Romana led to the fall of Rome by the proxy agents and military which flourished under Roman civilization.

In any case, America is a remarkable place and I think most Americans are innocent, almost ignorant. Ignorant in terms of not really knowing what is transpiring around the world or what their foreign policy has really done to other countries. Chalk that one up to America's physical isolation.

But we took time to learn your language, maybe you should learn ours before invading under some holier-than-thou banne