If we can believe the Pew Research Center in Washington, nearly fifty percent of all Americans not only believe torture is justified against "suspected terrorists" (i.e., Pakistani and Afghan cab drivers and dirt farmers kidnapped and then sold to the CIA), but also that it works.
Here's a clue for Bubba in Palookaville: torture does not work. People tortured invariably tell torturers whatever they want to hear to make the pain stop and thus torture is a very unreliable form of intelligence gathering.
Never mind torture is morally and spiritually repugnant.
But then the Americans who believe torture works are the same people who think Saddam teamed up with Osama and attacked the United States on nine eleven.
Moreover, as an indication of the inevitable (when dealing with ill-informed cretins) result of the relentless drumbeat of fake terror attacks and dire warnings of impending doom emanating from the White House are working, 48 percent of Americans believe "that current policies had not gone far enough" in dismantling our cherished liberties, once upon a time guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, "while 34% worried they had gone too far in restricting civil liberties."
It's a testament to the massive stupidity of the populace when a little more than a third of the citizenry understands that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are not open for negotiation.
I'm sorry to call fifty percent of Americans cretins. But in essence that is precisely what they are if they believe the phony baloney and mostly illusory al-Qaeda is a threat, that nineteen cave-dwelling Arab hijackers pulled off nine eleven with boxcutters, that the twin towers "pancaked" against the laws of physics, that an aviation fuel fire is capable of melting hardened steel, and a one-legged petty criminal of sub-normal intelligence is capable of running a complex underground resistance in Iraq. My fellow citizens are cretins if they surrender their birthright--constitutionally guaranteed liberty--to gain an illusory and vaporous security from fake terrorism obviously contrived by the government.