BRASILIA, April 11.— A message that reached the Cubadebate editorial staff on Sunday, signed by the eminent Brazilian architect and friend of Cuba, Oscar Niemeyer, confirmed the South American artist’s commitment to the cause of the Cuban Revolution in the face of the recent anti-Cuba media campaign launched by the United States and Europe.
"The world is increasingly more conscious, mature, and connected. Lies and acts of aggression, whether in words or action, do not intimidate us. On the contrary, they strengthen us," his letter emphasizes.
"In 50 years of Revolution you have demonstrated that the struggle for building a better world makes people of all nationalities stronger and more united," the text reads and Niemeyer adds, "Any attempt to destabilize will meet determination, ethics, bravery, and tenderness as a response. Cuba has always known how to transform setbacks into victories."
From Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, representatives from Central American and the Caribbean left-wing political organizations condemned the media campaign against Cuba and confirmed their unconditional support for the Cuban people, the Communist Party, and the government, PL reports.
As a result of the discussions, various declarations were approved, among them one that condemns the "fierce aggression," unleashed principally by the United States and the European Union against Cuba, for being the nation that is "a paradigm of the struggle against social injustice and of progressive causes."
Meanwhile, solidarity with Cuba organizations organized a mass and moving popular event in Montevideo on Sunday in support of the island and against the anti-Cuba media campaign orchestrated by the United States and Europe.
The meeting was sponsored by the Uruguayan Pro-Liberation Committee for the five Cuban patriots unjustly imprisoned in the United States and the National Commission of Uruguayan Social Organizations (CONOSUR).
Translated by Granma International