Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Wayne Madsen Report

November 1, 2005 -- Bush White House Circling Wagons for a Long Siege. After being identified in the Patrick Fitzgerald indictment of Vice President Cheney's Chief of Staff Lewis Libby, Cheney's counsel David Addington has been named as the replacement for Libby as Chief of Staff. Also, John Hannah, who is said to have been "flipped" as a cooperating witness early on by Fitzgerald, has been named as Libby's replacement as Assistant National Security Adviser to the Vice President. This "in your face" reaction to the Libby indictment indicates the White House is preparing for a continued investigation and are preparing a strategy to stonewall the prosecutor and the court that will deliberate the charges against Libby.

Addington was cited in the Fitzgerald indictment as follows: (READ FULL ARTICLE)