Sunday, October 23, 2005

Congressman Demands Fitzgerald Investigate Bush Admin's Lies to Congress about Reasons for War

From Pensito Review
"The CIA leak issue is only the tip of the iceberg. This is looking increasingly like a White House conspiracy aimed at misleading our country into war - in part by manufacturing now-refuted evidence in support of its rationale, in part by smearing and silencing critics, and in part by manipulating media complicity. There is mounting evidence that there may have been a well-orchestrated effort by the President, the Vice President, and other top White House officials to lie to Congress in order to get its support for the Iraq War."

"Honest, if mistaken, reliance on faulty intelligence to convince Congress to authorize a war is bad enough. But, if, as mounting evidence is tending to show, Administration officials deliberately deceived Congress and the American people, this would constitute a criminal conspiracy against the entire country."

"We are no longer just talking about a Republican culture of corruption and cronyism. We now have reason to believe that high crimes may have been committed at the highest level, wrongdoing that may have led us to war and imperiled our national security."
- Rep. Gerald Nadler (D-NY), in a letter to Acting Deputy Attorney General Robert McCallum, making the point that it is illegal to lie to Congress