From The Huffington Post
The Challenge StandsYou supply the billions, we here at Fog Facts will find Osama bin Laden. Plus any ten other terrorists to be named later.
It is astonishing that although the administration has spent $200,000,000,000, as a supplementary amount, on top of all other military and intelligence expenditures, they have not arrested – or captured or killed - the gang that attacked us.
I don't understand how that’s possible and I would like the opportunity to prove than any ordinary civilian ought to be able to do the job with that much money. Of course, I insist on US rules. I can kill, torture, bribe, whatever I want and I will never be liable.
The Terrorists Who Phoned In
Seven of the nineteen 9/11 terrorists declared themselves alive after 9/11. If that's true, then yes, they were not on the planes. And we don't know who was.
These are collated individual reports in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Time, the Guardian, the Telegraph, the Independent and on the BBC.
Six purported to come from the individuals concerned and one from the Saudi government.