Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bloggers fuel Libby letter conspiracies

We here at Blogma are wary of even peripherally touching such hot-button political issues as what some call (Valerie) Plame-gate. We try to stick to buzzing issues that have some sort of technology angle and avoid blogging blogs that spin general interest news.

Sometimes, however, bloggers are the subject of such general interest news, and we would be remiss in our job if we didn't mention their contribution.

Such is the case with the mostly liberal bloggers who are fueling conspiracy theories through their online analysis of a letter Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney, wrote to Judith Miller. Miller is the New York Times reporter who spent 85 days in prison rather than reveal Libby as her confidential source in the Plame leak case.

While some pundits are debating the significance of the letter's friendly, if not flowery tone, bloggers read into the letter's ending:
"You went to jail in the summer. It is fall now. You will have stories to cover--Iraqi elections and suicide bombers, biological threats and the Iranian nuclear program. Out West, where you vacation, the aspens will already be turning. They turn in clusters, because their roots connect them. Come back to work--and life."
Bloggers wondered, among other things, if the "aspens" reference was some sort of code for a meeting of Neocons and or/Iraqi exiles in Aspen, Colo., that some say Miller might have attended.