Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Axis for Peace 2005 Conference

A war rationale is gradually imposing itself onto international relations: massive, unilateral re-arming of the United States; attack of Afghanistan without proving the case for self-defence; attack of Iraq under false pretence before plundering its resources; open threats against Syria and Iran; declaration of a remodelling of frontiers in the "Great Middle-East"; development of the hatred media and the "clash of civilisations" ideology.

Only the principles of international mediation and pacific coexistence offer an alternative to this "rise of perils". Therefore, in the spirit of the Hague conferences (1899 and 1907) [1] and the Bandung conference (1955) [2], Voltaire Network and its partners have called up an international conference in Brussels, on November 17th and 18th 2005, to assess contemporary forms of conflict and interference, and to shape a relevant and efficient discourse in favour of peace.

Titled Axis for Peace, 2005, the conference will gather political and intellectual personalities from more than thirty nations, already committed against the war logic and who wish to install a permanent structure that could make the voice of peace be heard.

(in French, English, Arabic, Russian, Spanish)