Monday, October 17, 2005

Iraq voting is illegal: the coming invasion of Venezuela too

In what way ever the US 'Lie Factory'* and all collaborators in occupied Iraq via the mainstream media may try to 'cook the books' fabricating 'Newspeak': according to the also by the US signed Geneva Convention*, the Hague Convention (Art. 43) and all earlier valid international laws what the US is doing in Iraq with this 'referendum' is illegal:

"An 'occupant' must ensure public order while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country. The Geneva Conventions (iv) of 1949, prohibit the modification of the domestic laws or legal institutions of the occupied power."

What part of the word 'illegal' do the warring neocons not understand?

The so called 'draft' of the by the Iraq occupying forces rewritten constitution is illegal, and so is making the people vote for or against it, according to all international law and universal conventions concerned.

The US neocons and their Quislings however, seem to think they are above all laws, and make their own, at the expense of the rest of humanity.

Whether it's an election, a referendum on a draft constitution, other judges and courts or rewriting and fixing a 'new' constitution; doing this in any occupied country is illegal. [Illegal? - Url.:]


The fact that Iraq for has been 'closed' - not only the airports but the whole country, complete with wartime curfews and no motorized transport allowed except by the occupying forces - speaks for itself. Claiming a 'peaceful process' is a sick joke: no cars = no car bombs. Elementary, dear Watson!.

The usual propaganda texts and photo-op pictures by disinformation agencies like the very bad Associated Press, UPI, CNN, the disgusting FOX, Reuters, Bloomberg, and most others via the mainstream media of the warring parties, confirms the misery and murderous debacle of anything like human rights.

The Iraqi resistance fights for the liberation of their country, aiming at the US neocon's 'Waterloo'.


But; while nearly all eyes are made to look in the Iran/Iraq direction, behind our backs the US neocon's and their abject collaborators in England's armed forces, via the PNAC's 'Banking Establishment' in London are busy with the next invasions: Venezuela and the Angel of Death Condoleezza Rice hard-selling the attack on Iran - Url.:

Most likely and secretly venezuela again will be attacked with the collaborating help of the despicable Dutch neocon-management in the NATO-Netherlands, using neighboring countries and the Dutch island colonies (Aruba, Bonaire, or St. Maarten) of shore of Latin America, as bases for the illegal invasion.