Monday, October 17, 2005

Judith Miller is clearly a disgrace to journalism

Judith Miller is clearly a disgrace to journalism - I agree completely with Arianna Huffington, who shamed every member of the Media with her ownership of the NYTimes/Miller story, in this:
The Times articles are inconclusive about a lot of issues, but they are devastatingly conclusive about Miller as a journalist -- including, the confirmation that, within a few weeks of assuming the editorship of the Times, "in one of his first personnel moves, Mr. Keller told Ms. Miller that she could no longer cover Iraq and weapons issues," and including the Times' long-delayed acknowledgement that 5 of the 6 articles in its WMD mea culpa "were written or co-written by Ms. Miller."
One thing we do know about Judy Miller is that she's no dummy. Whether or not Libby said the words "Valerie Plame," and whether or not Libby knew or revealed that Plame was covert, it's inconceivable that Miller did not know what was going on: a high-level administration official was trying to smear a critic of the administration. That's news. That's something the readers of the New York Times --and the American people -- deserved to know, and yet she did nothing with the information.
It is an embarrassment to the NYTimes and all of us who bothered to defend Miller's refusal to reveal her source on journalistic grounds. We are covered with egg today.

But the rest of the Media has also disgraced itself on this story. The DC Media establishment is covered in hypocrisy and disgrace: