Thursday, October 06, 2005

Cheney: Prepare for Decades of Mass Murder

It seems we, the people of the United States, will accept whatever nonsense our rulers dispense, and without asking serious questions. For instance, Bush, speaking before "a pro-democracy group," as the New York Times describes the National Endowment for Democracy, a subversive group that specializes in meddling in the elections of other countries and installing neolib sycophants, "used some of his toughest language… to assert that the war in Iraq was vital to a crucial struggle against terrorists," for instance terrorists created by the CIA and its helpers in Afghanistan and elsewhere. "The influence of Islamic radicalism is also magnified by helpers and enablers," Bush told the oxymoronic "democracy" organization. "They have been sheltered by authoritarian regimes, allies of convenience, like Syria and Iran, that share the goal of hurting America and moderate Muslim governments, and use terrorist propaganda to blame their own failures on the West and America and on the Jews." Of course, there is no evidence Syria and Iran are "sheltering" anything of the sort, and Bush was unable to prove Iraq sheltered Osama bin Laden or possessed weapons of mass destruction capable of inflicting untold terror in fifteen minutes, a smoking gun mushroom cloud, as a dissembling Condi Rice deemed it.