Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Good ideas on how to fix things

You can only sit around wringing your hands and moaning about what a mess the Bushies have made of America for so long. Sooner or later, even the gloomiest doom-meisters are bound to get beaned by an acorn on the noggin, leading to the startling and productive thought, "So, what could we do that would make things better?" Quel concept, eh?

For those mired in loathing the Bush administration, the program would start with a long, long list of things that need to be undone: repeal the bankruptcy bill, repeal the tax breaks for the rich, and fix the farm bill, the transportation bill, the energy bill, etc. Or you could start with a list of gentle suggestions, such as:

-- Making a rude jerk with a bad temper ambassador to the United Nations, probably not a good idea

-- Putting a veterinarian in charge of women's health policy, maybe not.

-- Making someone with a background in Arabian horses the disaster-relief czar, possibly needs reconsideration.

-- Invading a Middle Eastern country with no provocation, a country that posed no threat and had no connection to 9-11 ... hmmm, perhaps not a shrewdie.