Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Slimeball of the week

Ahmad Chalabi, the world's most prolific liar and thief, attended homecoming last week at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a neo-con citadel where the likes of Richard Perle, Michael Ledeen, and Lynne Cheney hang their hats.

Chalabi, who makes Joe Isuzu look like Honest Abe Lincoln, said he never fed the U.S. false intelligence to coax it into a war in Iraq. He also denied he passed classified US cryptographic intelligence to the Iranians. Using standard neo-con language, Chalabi dismissed these charges as an "urban myth."

Chalabi met with his good friends Condoleezza Rice, Treasury Secretary John Snow (couldn't be about the counterfeit currency Chalabi was caught with), and Stephen Hadley (who's still reportedly a target in Patrick Fitzgerald's probe of the White House). Chalabi also has a meeting scheduled with Vice President Dick Cheney. Now what would the Iraqi Oil Minister and the former (and still paid) CEO of Halliburton be discussing?