Thursday, October 05, 2006

Campaigning for the December 3rd Election: Chávez connects with the Venezuelan people. (Text and Video)

Comenzó la ofensiva roja rumbo al 3 de diciembre

By Les Blough, Editor (Translation by Ramón Santiago)
Oct 5, 2006, 20:34

On Sunday October 1st the candidate for re-election for the Venezuelan presidency, Hugo Chávez Frías, held a rally Santa Inés, located in the Venezuelan state of Barinas.
The Battle of Santa Inés (1859) is historically known for the victory of the Federalists over the Conservatives during the 1859 - 1863 Federal War. This was an extremely bloody affair amongst brothers as was the US Civil War. The Federal War was led by the "General of the Sovereign People", Ezequiel Zamora and General Juan Crisóstomo Falcón, later to be president of Venezuela in 1865. The war was triggered by the way in which the "new oligarchy" dominated Venezuela for their own benefit after the dissolution of La Gran Colombia - the separation of New Granada (Colombia) from Venezuela - and the death of the Liberator Simón Bolivar in 1830.

Subsequent to these two linchpin historical events, the new oligarchy, which effectively replaced the Spaniards as the ruling classes in Venezuela commenced to dominate the land. With the help of corrupt land registrars, "legally" they took over the best farming land nationwide in defiance of an 1819 edict by Bolivar handing the land over to the peasant farners in an attempt to abolish slavery in a meaningful way, and thus create the basis for equality in what was then still a feudal society with a colonial mentality. Slavery was not abolished in Venezuela until 1853. Many documents illegally drafted from 1830 onwards were burned by the federal troops, and this has caused many problems about rightful land owership in Venezuela even until this day.

In effect, Zamora who was born in 1817, resucitated the ideals of Bolivariansim twenty-nine years after Bolivar's death and unfortunately was assassinated "by a stray bullet" in January 1860 in San Carlos (Cojedes state) which took the momentum out of the federal cause, even though the war dragged on until 1863.
Opposition historians still classify Zamora as a "bandit" railing against the "established order" when in fact he could well have changed the course of Venezuelan history by excising the false land titles, passing the land over to the masses inhabiting it thus creating the basis for a more egalitarian society. Venezuela had to wait another 139 years for this to happen when Chávez ascended to the presidency of the now Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

The Battle of Santa Inés demonstrated a classic military strategy by drawing the enemy into your preferred territory and then launch a devastating counter attack. The tactics and strategy used by General Zamora are still studied in military academies world wide.
In political terms, Chávez lured the opposition into his territory for the 2004 recall referendum - that is into democratic territory, and away from coup mongering - to inflict a crushing defeat at the ballot box on the Venezuelan opposition widely known to be "puppies of the empire". The recall referendum campaign was fittingly called the "Battle of Santa Inés".

Upon returning to Santa Inés in the present presidential election campaign, Chávez attracted a multitude of supporters whose enthusiasm and emotional bond with their president can be seen in the accompanying video. Chávez starts to sing the "Federation Anthem" "Oligarcas temblad, viva la libertad" (Tremble oligarchy, long live liberty), as sung by Zamora's troops to instill fear into the ruling classes.

What is remarkable is how the Venezuelan people "connect" immediately when Chávez starts to sing, indicating not only an emotional link between him and the people, but also an understanding of what is at stake on December 3rd so that the Bolivarian Revolution can continue its unstoppable path.

Understanding the Chávez' words, the lyrics of the Federal anthem and watching this amazing video brings us closer to the positive energy and true spirit of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela. To appreciate the heart of this spontaneous connection between Chávez, the Venezuelan people and their history, we encourage the reader to first think about Chávez' opening remarks and the people's spontaneous reply; then the lyrics of the Federal anthem into which Chávez breaks out in song and the refrain of the people. Here are the strophes on the Federal Anthem which Chávez sings, with a translation into English of the whole video clip (which appears below) for Axis readers.'

Translation of Accompanying Video

Un pueblo concientizado acompaña a Chávez en Barinas 01/10/06
A people with conscience accompanies Chávez in Barinas on October 1 st 2006

Introductory words of President Chavez

Chávez: ¡Viva la Revolución Bolivariana! Long live the Bolivarian Revolution!
People: ¡Viva!
Chávez: ¡Viva Santa Inés! Long live Santa Inés!
People: ¡Viva!
Chávez: ¡Viva Barinas! Long live Barinas!
People: ¡Viva!
Chávez: ¡Viva Venezuela! Long live Venezuela!
People: ¡Viva!

Chávez breaks out in song with the Federal Anthem
and the people respond:

Aviva las candelas el viento barinés, y el sol de la victoria alumbra en Santa Inés
The wind of Barinas fans the flames, and the sun of victory shines on Santa Inés


Las tropas redentoras del General Falcón, alientan la esperanza de la Revolución
The redeeming troops of General Falcón, give hope to the Revolution


El cielo encapotado anuncia tempestad.
The cloudy sky announes a storm


Las tropas de Zamora al toque del clarín, derrotan las brigadas del godo maladrín
The troops of Zamora at the bugle call, defeat the brigadas of the bandit right


Aviva las candelas el viento barinés, y el sol de la victoria alumbra en Santa Inés
The wind of Barinas fans the flames, and the sun of victory shines on Santa Inés


Chávez closing words

Chávez: ¡Viva Zamora! Long live Zamora!
People: ¡Viva!

Chávez ¡Viva la Revolución! Long live the Revolution!
People: ¡Viva!

Chávez: ¡Viva Bolívar! Long live Bolívar!
People: ¡Viva!

Chávez: ¡Qué viva el pueblo de Bolívar! Long live the people of Bolívar
People: ¡Viva!

Chávez: ¡Qué viva el pueblo de Zamora! Long live the people of Zamora!
People: ¡Viva!

Chávez: Primero de octubre. Hoy es primero de octubre y desde aquí,
The first of October. Today is the first of October and from here,

desde esta sabana profunda, desde aquí rodeado de la magia de la historia,
from this deep savannah, from here surrounded by the magic of history,

desde aquí rodeado por las selvas de Santa Inés, desde aquí a las riberas
from here surrounded by the forests of Santa Inés, from here on the banks

del Río Santo Domingo, aquí en esta heroica sabana, hemos venido
of the Santo Domingo river, here in this heroic savannah, we have come

este primero de octubre para decirle al mundo y para decirles a todos los
on this 1st of October to tell the world and to tell all Venezuelan

venezolanos y venezolanas que hoy arranca la recta final del huracán bolivariano
men and women that today starts the final stretch of the Bolivarian hurricane

rumbo al 3 de diciembre.
on its way to December 3rd.

The Video

Un pueblo concientizado acompaña a Chávez en Barinas 01/10/06
A people with conscience accompanies Chávez in Barinas on October 1 st 2006