Sunday, September 18, 2005

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela - A Revolution That Allows You To See Hope In The Eyes Of Millions

On a recent visit to Venezuela by VSUK members in August 2005, many local people spoke to me in Spanish, assuming that I could understand them. The lack of comprehension on my part did not matter in the least, since in the eyes of each person there was genuine hope to be seen, since the millions of historically excluded have benefited from the social revolution taking place in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. As a result millions have been liberated by the social missions being provided by the Bolivarian Revolution under President Chavez.

When arriving in the capital city, Caracas, none of the photographs I had seen of the barrios had prepared me for what I was to experience. It was a truly magnificent site from a distance, where millions seem to live in housing spread over the numerous and magnificent mountains. However, on closer examination, the enormous poverty and desperation was obvious when visiting the neighborhoods which had been forgotten for the last 40 years under pseudo-democratic governments of the IV Republic…… until the election of Chavez in December 1998.