Monday, October 10, 2005

George Bush and the Four Horsemen

It's becoming apparent to even the most avid Bush loyalist, that the current charlatan-in-chief has been the greatest catastrophe in the nation's 200 year history. Regrettably, there are strong indications that the Crawford albatross is planning to pull us further downward towards the ocean floor.

At present, the republic is buckling beneath the weight of deception, violence and incompetence. In Iraq, the plan to chop up the country into three smaller parts is moving ahead despite the intensity of the resistance or the objections of the Sunni minority. Bush has assumed the mantle of an Iraqi Jefferson Davis championing the merits of reformation and regional autonomy. The new constitution provides only the thinnest cover for a neocon master-plan that destroys what little is left of Iraqi society while legitimizing a permanent American occupation. Al Jaafari, Talibani, Chalabi and the long list of rogues and collaborators have made their Faustian bargain with their US overlords and put their country on a course that will result in decades of hardship and slaughter; all for what?

A mottled earthen hut in the world's most perilous gated community; the green zone?

At home the effects of Bush's rule have been equally harsh. The anarchic Bush has rummaged through the Bill of Rights like a draught-horse in a steeple-case. No statute, law or amendment has escaped his withering attention. One by one, he's savaged the constitutional protections that once shielded the citizen from the long-arm of the state. He's cut through 800 years of English and American jurisprudence like the Grim Reaper on saint's day; leaving nothing behind but the gulags that house his victims.